
The Effectiveness of Business Strategies

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3216
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: LT6018GN
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Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Determine the most suitable way to implement a strategy which affect the working of the Marriott Hotel.
  • Critically explain current and future strategies with regard to their likely effectiveness in the Marriott Hotel.
  • Evaluate the different performance metrics of your chosen organisation and how this may affect the effectiveness of the business strategies?
  • Marriott Hotel works internationally in serving best amenities to the customers. Elaborate the factors affecting the successful implementation of strategies on the business functions.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Marriott


The industry of hospitality refers to the large group of business that provides services to all the customer of the world. The main aim of the hospitality industry is to achieve the level of the satisfaction of the customer and gives them the best services. It includes the different types of services and business which is related to the customer and the leisure. Industry of the hospitality have lots of ideas and facts which related to the experience, luxury, pleasure, experience and enjoyment provides as a necessary and important for the people. Strategic planning of the hospitality industry provides the effective idea to the hotels to reach the objectives and the goals. It is the process and the practices of development of the guideline, planning and roadmap for the hotels which helps to achieve the goals.

This file discussed about the strategic planning of the Marriott hotel which is a multinational hospitality company of the America. It manages and maintain the large portfolio of the hotels. The headquarter of the Marriott is at the Maryland, UK

This report analysis the factors which affects the successful implementation of the strategies in the function of the business of the hotel industry. In this report there is the analysis and evaluation of the various performance of the Marriott hotel and how it affects the effectiveness of the business strategies. There is also the evaluation of the agents change, lever for change, diagnosis and managing change programmes in the management of the strategic change.

LO 1

Factors Affecting The Successful Implementation of The Business Strategies in The Functions of The Business.


It is the effective process in which the manager of the Marriott hotel gives the direction, guidance and influence the behaviour of the employees make the work the working of others towards the fulfilment of the goals. leadership in the industry of the hospitality have lots of effectiveness in the business because it bring the confidence in the employees of the hotel to provide the best services to the customer and fulfil their needs and wants. The Marriott hotel follow the transformation leadership in their hotels which helps in the fulfilment of the satisfaction of the customer (Shkurkin, and et.al., 2016). But this style of leadership have lots of positive and negative aspects in the business of the Marriott hotel.

The manager of the Marriott hotel encourages, motivate and inspire their employees to bring the changes in the hotel by achieving the trust of the customer with their efforts and reach to the goals. Marriott hotel focuses to take care of the customer well being which is done by motivating and inspiring the employees of the hotel. By applying the style of the transformation leadership in the business of the Marriott hotels they make their employees focused about the vision of the. The strategic business goals of the Marriott is that they maintain the diversity and the inclusion so that the managers will make more efforts in maintain the image of the hotel across the world.

Structural Design:

In the Marriott hotel they uses the hierarchical structure in accordances with the effective roles and department of the hotels. There are different kinds of the facilities which have important areas such as the management of the executive, services of the front desk, marketing and accounting, staff of the kitchen and housekeeping. The employees have effective recognition of the various levels of the leadership in the Marriott hotel. They have the hierarchical structure in their business so that the employees have various opportunities for their promotion to perform effectively.

The structure design affects the planning of the effective strategies because all the members of the staff perform well then their should be the proper management of the services to the customer. The success and the growth of the strategies in the business of the Marriott hotel are affected if there is no control on the activities of the employee from their senior authority. In the hotel there have various department like, food and beverages, marketing, accounting (Zorpas, Voukkali and Pedreño, 2018). So the food and beverages department helps to provides effective services of the room, restaurants and bar to the customer then the strategies of the business achieve the success and the growth of the business. The effective design and the layout of the Marriott hotel is to provide the luxury lifestyle in the hotel which increases the personal experience of the customer. Marriott offers to their customer option of the flexible building which is based on the project, market and the budget of the hotel.

Information and Control System:

This system also affects the success and the growth of the business strategies in the Marriott hotel because manager evaluate, organise and manage the various department of the hotel on the systems of the computer. The information system helps to maintain and manage all the departments such as marketing, accounting which affects positively the strategies of the business to achieve the success and the growth in the future. This system play an important role in the Marriott hotel because they provide the facility of the effective planning, operations and management which leads to the success of the strategic approaches in the business of the Marriott. The data processing helps efficiently to the hotel so that they become more flexible and understand the demand of the customer to decrease the cost and helps to achieve the level of the satisfaction of the customer (Belias, and et.al., 2017). There are lots versions of the information system which is used by the management of the front desk in the Marriott hotel which helps to keep the record of the entry, exist and booking etc. this version of the information is known as the point of sale which keeps the record of the customer information about their booking of the room also. To achieve the success and increase the image of the brand in the minds of the customer they uses the management system of the information in their business so that they make the proper and the effective management of the staff and the facilities which is provided to the customer. The management information system is used in departments of the hotels like security, housekeeping, maintenance, accounting and the control on the finance. This information helps the Marriott hotel in their improvement of the level of the experience of the customer and the staff which helps in the future success and growth of the hotel. Marriott hotel wants to get the advantages of the competition so the software of the hospitality management helps to win the success in the international level.

Human Resource:

The success and the growth of the Marriott business strategy is all depends on the activities of the human resource such as recruitment and selection of skilled and the talented candidates in the hotels so that they works to achieve the goals. The right selection of the candidates leads to the success of the strategies which is implemented to provides the services to the customer (Zaitseva, and et.al., 2017). If the selected candidates do not have the effective skills to provides the better services to the customer then it will affects the strategies and results in the failure in the achievement of the objectives and the goals. The proper training and development of the employees will provided by the Marriott hotel to their employees so that they will improve the level of the performance of the employees. Effective training and development of the employees will make the employees working towards the achievement of the goals and success of the business. The HR Manager of the Marriott hotel provides the various benefits to their employees so thy become more motivated and focused in their working to achieve the overall success and the growth of the Marriott hotel.

LO 2

Evaluation of The Various Performance of The Business Metrics and How They Affects The Effectiveness of The Business Strategies.

Critical Success Factor (CSFs):

In the Marriott hotel the critical success factors is important to active the mission and vision of the their business in the hotel industry by proper and effective management. The manager of the Marriott hotel make sure about the each and every success factors of the business and evaluate the variations between the different key and the roles of the hotel. It is that area in the business is surviving in the marketplace. The main focus and the aim of the Marriott hotel is to attract the number of customer by maintaining the quality management and increases their profits (Konovalova, and et.al., 2018). The critical success factor is changes continuously ads per the changes in the competition and increasing demands of the customers.

The essential success factor of the Marriott is to give the focuses on the location of the hotel. As per the changes in the competition and the demands of the customer location of the hotel is very important for their success and the growth. Customer services is also the important success factors of the Marriott hotel so the employees will gives the first and the last impression to the customer. The Marriott hotel make sure about the knowledge and the understanding of their employees and they are capable in solving the problems and the conflicts which is happened in the workplace of the hotel. To achieve the success the Marriott hotel focuses to compete on the international level. The tourist will make their research about the hotel when they are planning for their vacations as per the quality of the hotel (Peters and Kallmuenzer, 2018). Customer service and the location is important factors because ineffective location and bad services will not attract the customer to come again and stay in the hotel. Advertisement is also the critical factor of the success in the business of the Marriott hotel so that they increase the base of the customer.

Key Performance Indicators:

there are lots of the key performance indicators of the Marriott hotel which helps ton reach the success and growth in the future. They provide the accommodation and the facility of the food and beverages in the rooms and the restaurants which gives the relaxation to their customer.

Average Daily Rates:

Average rates of the rooms is also the key performance indicators for the success of the Marriott hotel. The Marriott hotel evaluate and calculates the revenue of the room and daily averages rates of their rooms in the time of 30 days and then they divide it to the total number of rooms it helps to track the performance of the hotel in the competitive markets (Soulard, and et.al., 2018).

Average Occupancy Rates:

The Marriott hotel calculates the averages of the occupancy which helps to find which season and the month is best for the hotel to increases the profits. By using this figure the Marriott address those seasons and months in which there performance level is low and what steps they take to achieve the success in those seasons and months.

Online Rating:

This is the essential KPI for the business of the Marriott hotel because ,most of the customer read all the reviews before booking the room of the hotels. The owner and the manager of the Marriott hotel paid their full attention in those review and find the solution of the negative reviews if they receive.

Average Length to Stay:

Marriott hotel of the London focuses to invest less amount on the labour so this will increases their average length to sty bin the rooms of the customer. This is also important indicator of calculating the level of the performance of the hotel (Okumus, and et.al., 2017). By diving the total number of the used rooms with the total number of the bookings in given the period of the time increases the length of stay and increase the profits of the hotels.

Internet Services Available For The Customer:

the Marriott hotel also focuses to provide the facility of the internet in their room of the hotel because each and every person wants the free internet when they book the room. This services of the hotel gives the benefits and attract the customer because when they are in the different location where they have to pay extra charges on the use of the networks of the mobile (Kotler, and et.al., 2017). For the measurement of this key performance indicator the manager of the Marriott hotel check that how reliable and the accessible the connectivity of the internet in each of the rooms.

Also Read:- Managing the Customer Experience in Hospitality Industry

Balance Score Card:

The balance score card refers to that the manager of the hotel makes their effective progress towards the essential objectives in the most effective manner. This scorecard have the metrics which financial and the non financial which helps to measure the level of the performance of the hotel and gives the focuses on the various aspects of the business activities. In the business of the Marriott hotel the balance scorecard provides the effective and efficient feedback to the management to use the company is the most effective way.


In the balance scorecard of the Marriott hotel there is the common financial metrics such as the revenue of the per rooms which is available and revenue of the per guest. In the business the Marriott hotel monitor and evaluate the information and data and total amount of the revenue which is acquired from the and measuring how the space is used in the hotel (Buhalis and Leung, 2018). When the revenue of the Marriott decrease they try to make effective efforts to increases the revenue for the successful operation of the business.


For the success of the hotel industry satisfaction of the customer are the most important. In the Marriott hotel the retention of the customer, information which is related to the customer and the complaints of the customer are included in their balance scorecard. The hotel Marriott take the proper measure if they receive the complaints from the customer to make the effective image of the hotel in the minds of the customer.

Internal Process of The Business:

In the balance scorecard the cost of the maintenance, quality and accidents are included in the process of the business of the Marriott hotel of the London. The manager of the Marriott hotel maintain the share of the market by achieving the advantages of the competition.

LO 3

Evaluation of The Key Element in The Management of Then Strategic Changes.


It refers to the act and the practices of changing which suits the conditions of the hotels. The Marriott hotel adopts the various changes in their business to improve the services by new and advance technology which fulfils the satisfaction of the customer and increase the revenue of the business.

In the business of the hotel Marriott the manager are the one who brings the new changes in the hotel which helps to get the satisfied customer (Moutinho and Vargas-Sanchez, 2018). The new and the advance technology in the hotel is bring by the manager for the future growth of the hotel. They also makes the changes easy

The managers manages and maintain the programmes of the change in the hotel for the employees so that understand the the new technology and used in the best and the effective way to attract the customer by providing them best services.

They make the change easy and understood by using these two levers of the changes in the hotel by making communication to plan the change of the with the staff. The manger of the Marriott hotel make the announcements and post on the internet that they are changing the theme of the hotel with the new and the advance technology which attract the customers.


In the Marriott hotel the reconstruction of the building which is industrial with the changes in the purpose of the functions, special attention is given to the efficient and effective energy.

The managers of the hotels development of the new building which gain the attention of the customer with the reconstruction of the building of the hotel.

The reconstruction of the building of the Marriott hotel manage the change programmes by the manager which call the engineers to make the building of the hotel effective and attractive (Elbanna, 2016).

The manager make the roles and the responsibilities of the employees as per this change in the hotel so that their position and the image in the hotel increases and they get motivates.


Revolution in the Marriott hotel refers to the changes in the method of booking the rooms, table in their restaurants etc. they make changes in the their booking systems.

The manger make the websites of the Marriott hotel through which the customer will book the room and table of the restaurants and also they post the pictures of the hotel which attract the customer.

The manger gives the training to the employees of taking the payment of the online booking and the reservation. They makes the booking easy for the customer and understand by the employees so that they could solve the problems of the customer(Altinay, Paraskevas and Jang, 2015).


This refers to the development of the products and services of the hotel with the new products and services that fulfil the needs of the customer. The manager and the leader of the Marriott hotel brings these changes by using the different methods in the hotels. The Marriott provides the reward to their employees when they perform this changes effectively. The manger make the employees in their habit.


From the above study it has been concluded that the industry of the hotel is the large and the broad group of the business which provides the different types of the services to the customer. The focus of the hotel industry is to gain the satisfaction of the customer which helps to increases the revenue of the business in the competitive markets. The success and the growth of the hotels is effective utilization of the business strategies of the leadership, management of the human resource, system of the information controls and effective design of the hotels which attracts the customers. The hotel provides the benefits of the accommodation, food and beverages, restaurants, gyms, swimming pools which fulfils the needs and wants of the customer

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